Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Once Again: UUA GA and Church Planting

Hi all. Again this year for the UUA General Assembly I will be looking and love to hear about all kinds of presentations, discussions, workshops, etc. that you might go to that are about church planting, or that would be helpful for church and mission planters of different stripes. Hope as you find them you will let folks know about them through here and blog here or give references here to where you blogged about them yourself. I suspect there will be more this year but I havent had time to look through the program and catch any yet. I will be part of an emerging church discussion during Ministry Days and that's always applicable. As I will be working and busy at the UU Christian Fellowship booth and programs all week, I know I won't get around to catch them. So hope you all will. End.Type your summary here

Type rest of the post here

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