Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Missional Church Leadership Four Main Areas

These four areas to focus on are great for anyone thinking of planting a church too, or becoming a part of a missional community. This is sort of the summary of Reggie McNeal's whole book on Missional Renaissance: changing the scorecard of the church. see posts below.

1. How do you see the world? Paradigm issues.
2. What competencies or microskills do you need in this new world of mission?
3. What resources do you have to work with?
4. What are your issues as a person, how are you growing, what is holding you back, for it will be reflected in those around you too.

1. Have to quit looking at the church and missing the mission needed in the world. Be more concerned with the culture of your community than the culture of your church. Following Jesus is not about being a better church member; it is about blessing people, relating with them, and helping them go deeper in their relationship with God. Following Jesus, McNeal says, does not involve adding activities to your life (it might mean less). Following Jesus is life itself. So our scorecard should look at how many relationships we have with those not in our church; how much time do we spend outside the office; how much time studying the culture, learning from others, coaching others?

2. Become a coach for people. Learn to tell stories, live in stories, help people see their life as a stoery within the Story of God. The transitions we face in all aspects of life mean that conflict is inevitable and must be embraced in a healthy spirit; learn how one approaches conflict and how to incorporate it; learn to listen better; learn to celebrate our own gift of life and living and celebrate others milestones and mission; learn from those who have been in mission overseas what all they needed to learn, and apply it to the mission within a two mile radius of your locale, for it will be the same in today's glocal world.

3. Develop prayer life, share it, see it as a first resource as it will help structure all other resources needed. Relationships at home need strengthening or else any attempt at relationship building in the community will suffer. Be aware of the time of your day and where it is being spent, as well as with your money. Learn to use technology in mission; but don't let it distract you. Same with your personal property; how does it reflect your values, your missional life?

4. Continue to evaluate and understand your self as you will be changed during this process of change; what is your personality style, the way you learn, how you deal with conflict, your emotional intelligence, your own talents and gifts and passions; and never forget that you will carry with you the "hidden addictions and compulsions" from childhood and families of origin, regarding food and sex and control, for they will affect your mission.

McNeal understands that this is all a massive self-mission in order to continue improving the way we serve others and God, so he suggests just starting anywhere as it will all interact with other areas. Bottom line is missional movements cannot exist without missional people.

See my own posts of the past few years about church plant killers. About the interlocking necessity of culture, resources, and leadership in order to thrive in mission.

Type rest of the post here

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