Saturday, February 28, 2009

Revival in Tulsa March 26-29

The UUCF has some scholarships available for seminarians or young adults to Revival in Tulsa. Contact me. Here is the abbreviated updated Revival schedule you can pass on to them, and to others in your churches who might be interested. Early registration discount is still available too. registrations will be taken at the door as well. See more at Follow the revival link on the home page. Don't miss this special event. Let me know if you have any questions.

What will happen during Revival held this year at All Souls Church, 2952 S. Peoria Ave.:

Thursday, March 26 1 pm registration begins.
Centering Prayer workshop from 2 to 5 pm.
Jesus in Film and DVDs at 4 pm.
Opening worship with Rev. Gerald Davis of North Tulsa's Church of the Restoration--UU, 7 pm.

Friday, March 27, 9 am Taize service with Rev. Felicia Urbanski, Canada, and Rick Fortner, All Souls Tulsa;
10:30 am Spirit of Life small groups, sharing personal stories, coordinated by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger, New Orleans;
1 pm workshops: Piety in Daily Life, Rev. Tom Schade, minister, First Unitarian Church, Worcester, MA;
Walking the Labyrnth, Rev. Kelly Murphy-Mason, New York City;
Saving Jesus: From the Christian Right and the Secular Left: The teachings of Jesus episode from DVD curriculum by, Rev. Melinda Foster, United Church of Christ, Owasso, OK;
Meditation and Stretching, Rev. Janet Parachin, Disciples of Christ minister, author of "Engaged Spirituality," co-founder Yoga Spirit Academy in Tulsa.;
3 pm service project at A Third Place Community Center in Turley;
5:30 pm dinner and hymn sing;
7 pm prayer and healing service, Rev. Jonalu Johnstone, First Unitarian Oklahoma City.

Saturday, March 28 (single day only registration available). 8:30 am small groups, prayer life; 10 am Keynote Worship Bishop Carlton Pearson, gospel of inclusion, new dimensions worship ensemble (this worship will be open to the public with a special love offering taken for the UUCF);
noon luncheon;
1:30 panel on emergent church with Rev. Susan Smith, southwest district executive; Rev. Thom Belote, Overland Park, KS, Rev. Ron Robinson;
3:30 pm workshops: Gnostic Christianity, UUCF Board member Peg Bartel, Alexandria Virginia;
Praying with Beads, from many traditions, Rev. Kelly Murphy-Mason, New York City;
Discernment and Vocations, Linda Ford, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa;
The Book of Revelation, new perspectives,
Rev. Nancy Claire Pittman, assistant professor, Phillips Theological Seminary;
UU Christianity 101;
5 pm Communion Service, Rev. Lillie Mae Henley, Washington, D.C.;
6 pm small groups, affirmations and closings;
7 pm baptism service, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, Cleveland, OH;
8pm dinners out together.

Sunday, March 29, 9 am closing circle worship, Rev. Suzanne Meyer, Cheyenne, WY; 10 am and 11:30 am All Souls worship, Rev. Tamara Lebak, All Souls Tulsa.

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