Friday, July 11, 2008

What I wish I would have remembered to say

Had a great conversation at the UU Ministers Association Minster Day collegial conversations talking about all things organic, emergent, transformative church wise (and the differences between those terms). Those of us who led the conversation were blown away I think by how packed the room was for it.

What I wish I had said that I don't think I did.

That any church, of any size and regardless of how "functional" it is, can "do this." Yes I would like to see all churches periodically review what it would mean if they were just beginning new for the first time. But, any church can go organic by putting time, talent, treasure into something missional that is away from its main church building, that can be given a life of its own. Take your young adults and get a place for them and turn them loose on your community. Or do the same with however small your youth group is--get them out of the church building. Or better yet get a few of your entrepeurial souls and dream up a mission in your community and plant them there with it, relieving them of all kinds of other church responsibilities, including coming back for worship unless they are passing along the miracles they are helping spawn.

Of course if you are a small congregation or big congregation or in between you can do this. In a bit I will focus on how small struggling congregations can go organic. I think there are real possibilities there. Especially those which have buildings just sitting barely used most of the week. And I mean during nighttime as well as daytime. We live in a 24-7 world; all churches need to imagine how their embodiment is existing from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m.

Type rest of the post here

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  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

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