Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Plan Now. Revival 2009 All Souls Tulsa

Theme: Jesus' Gospel of Inclusion and Future of world, our churches, our lives.
Keynoter Carlton Pearson. Come to the world's largest Unitarian church for the UU Christian Fellowship Revival in Tulsa, March 26 to 29. We have some up at www.uuchristian.org/revival but check back often as a lot more will be up soon, now that we have the new main site launched.

Opening worship with Rev. Gerald Davis of Church of the Restoration in North Tulsa, and the other ministers at the four UU churches in Tulsa. Taize worship. A three hour centering prayer workshop. Prayer and Healing Service led by Rev. Jonalu Johnstone of First Unitarian of Oklahoma City. Worship led by Carlton Pearson. Communion Service led by Rev. Lillie Mae Henley of Universalist National Memorial Church. Small group time focusing on personal faith, the relationship of Christianity and the UUA, and UU christianity outside of the UUA. Workshops on all facets of spiritual life. Films featuring Jesus. Service Project to Turley and tour of UUCF offices there. Dinners together. Much more.

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